Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Resto Memento Review (mini review #3)

Here we are. The third review. I could really write anything, but following my theme of plot twists, I’m going to review the biggest plot twist movie that we’ve watched in this class; Memento.

*I apologise to all of those who though I was writing about HP and this fabulous spell that only comes up once throughout the whole movie series! But alas, I must stay within the rules of the project and review something that we’ve watched in the class. Unfortunately. I'm looking at you Edwards!*
So Memento. This film came out in 2000 and was the first of many Christopher Nolan films that are full of plot twists on top of plot twists. The film follows Leonard as he attempts to find his wife’s killer. But the first of many plot twists appears when the film has two streaming time lines at once; one in colour and one in black and white, with the colour timeline going backwards and the black and white going in chronological order. This modern film noir plays homage to the genre with shadows and low camera angles to boot. Not to mention all of the creepy tattoos that our main man Lenny has.

In attempt to give some content to this review, I will *try* to summarize the movie. So this guy Leonard has short term memory loss and in attempt to combat this, he write everything down and has tattoos all over his body that help him find his wife’s killer. He knows several things, including the killers name, licence plate number and that he is a drug dealer. So for the entirety of this movie, Lenny runs around with this guy Teddy as the viewer gets constantly more confused as time goes on.

Flash forward to the ending and PLOT TWIST! Teddy is an under cover cop and Leonard has already killed his wife’s killer, but he forgot about it. But PLOT TWIST AGAIN, Leonard then kills Teddy for not telling him about it and leading around in circles for the past year looking for a guy that is dead. After Leonard learns this, he writes down Teddy's licence plate number. PLOT TWIST AGAIN! Leonard is able to remember to kill Teddy long enough to lead himself back to Teddy later on. What?! 
So this leads the view to question what Leonard actually remembers or if his condition is fixed and he’s just lying to himself to keep the chase that he loves so much alive. Mind = blown!

This movie took me forever to figure out! I think that if it wasn’t for those two story lines playing at once, I would have got it. But then again, part of what I loved about this movie was trying to figure out what is going on and coming up with different theories on how it will end. Again, continuing with the theme of plot twists and thought provoking movies with these reviews, this movie falls right into this. No there is no Jim Carrey in it, but everything can’t be about ground breaking Jim Carrey movies. Sadly.

A lot of people didn’t like this movie understand this movie and because of this, they didn’t like it. But again, this movie makes you think and wonder about how much people actually understand and what they make themselves forget in order to keep that chase alive like our man Lenny.

I feel like I’m making no sense, but then again, this movie doesn’t make a lot of sense when you first watch it.

I give it 9.8 PLOT TWISTS  out of 10 MINDS = BLOWN

 Here is the trailer:

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